
Dr. Daniel Fernandez

Director of Data Science

Our Team

Daniel is Profitscore's Director of Data Science, responsible for the curation of data sources, the creation of data repositories, and the development of trading models using statistically sound approaches. Daniel has a Bachelor's degree in Chemistry from the National University of Colombia and a Doctorate in Nanotechnology from the Catalan Institute of Chemical Research (ICIQ) in Spain. He also has more than a decade of algorithmic trading experience in the currency markets. He is highly proficient in C/C++, Python, and OpenCL, with in-depth experience in the development of high-performance computing solutions for trading simulation applications.

John M. McClure

President & CIO

Mike Mann

Chief Compliance Officer

Ben Coate

CTO & Director of Research

Rich Davila

Senior Portfolio Strategist, CTA

Dr. Daniel Fernandez

Director of Data Science